
- Blog: akshithbellare.me
- City: Bengaluru, India
- Age: 21
- Degree: BTech, Information Technology
- Email: akshibellare@gmail.com
- Freelance: Available
Hey! I’m a Information Technology Graduate from NITK Surathkal. I’m enthusiastic about learning new concepts and using them to acquire new skills. I have worked with various tools and technologies over the past few years and have used them to work on a wide variety of projects. Please check my projects out in the Portfolio section. I have experience working and leading teams in college and in my Internship. As I am transitioning from College to the Industry I look forward to meeting talented people, learning new skills and growing!
Read my Resume!
I have worked with the tools and technolgies given below in my Internship and for projects for my Engineering courses. They are not shown in any order of expertise.

Akshith Bellare
Information Technology graduate
- Bengaluru, India
- akshibellare@gmail.com
B.Tech in Information Technology
June 2018 - April 2022
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Pre University Education
Narayana Pre University College, Ramamurthy Nagar
Graduated with a percentage of 96.83.
High School
Jnana Ganga Central School
Graduated with 10CGPA.
Professional Experience
Technology - Intern
June 2021 - May 2021
Mumbai, India / Remote
- Contributed as an intern in the Architecture team.
- Worked with the team towards the implementation of Global Login.
- Used .NET framework and studied about caching technologies while working towards the goal.
- Competed and won the first place among eight teams in an internal hackthon organized by the company.